Friday, 26 June 2015

Sample Computer Science Projects Idea's

Computer Science Projects for Engineering Students

Computer science is a branch of engineering that deals with the scientific study of computers and their usage like computation, data processing, systems control,advanced algorithmic properties, and artificial intelligence. The study of computer science includes programming, design, analysis and theory. Computer science engineering projects involve designing and development of various application-based software. Computer science project topics can be implemented by a number of tools such as Java, .NET, Oracle, etc. The list of computer science project ideas is as follows:

Computer Science Project Topics for Engineering Students

CSE Projects for Engineering Students
CSE Projects for Engineering Students
  1. Voice based E-mail for the Blind
  2. A Railway Anti-Collision System with Auto-Track Changing and Phis Plate Removal Sensing
  3. Computer Folders ‘Security with a Bluetooth-Enabled Mobile Phone and Rinjdal Security Extension
  4. Speech Stress Analysis based Cheap Lie Detector for Loyalty Test
  5. Credit Card Reader with Face Recognition based on Webcam
  6. Recognition of Hand Movement for Paralytic Persons Based on a Neural Network
  7. Network Security Implementation Layer through Voice Biometric
  8. Agent Based Blocking and Response, Intrusion Detection using Signature
  9. Load Balancing of Artificial Intelligence Network using Ant Colony Optimization
  10. Authentication and Adaptive Security for DNS System
  11. Multicasting of Bandwidth Efficient Video in Multiradio Multicellular Wireless networks
  12. ADHOC Networks Based Bandwidth Estimation of IEEE 802.11
  13. Data Mining Technique Based Building Intelligent Shopping for Web Services
  14. Automatic Teller Machine Network Implementation based Controlling of CAC Connection Admission
  15. Adaptive Coaching and Co-Operative System for MANETS
  16. Multidimensional and Color Imaging Projections
  17. Inter Domain Packet Filters based Controlling of IP Spoofing
  18. Hidden Markov Models Based Credit Card Fraud Detection
  19. XML Enable SQL Server Based Data Storage and Minimization
  20. Artificial Neural Network Based Verification of Digital Signature
  21. Design and Implementation of E Secure Transaction
  22. Pattern Recognition and Dynamic Character Using Neural Network
  23. Verification of Dynamic Signature Using Pattern Signature
  24. Data Integrity Maintenance and Dynamic University Linking
  25. Filtering and Analyzing of Effective Packet System for ATM Network
  26. Efficient and Distribution and Secure Content Processing by Cooperative Intermediaries
  27. Rule Mining Algorithm for Efficient Association in Distributed Databases
  28. Digest Algorithm for Efficient Message for Data Security
  29. By Using Concurrent Engineering Train Simulation Based on Genetic Algorithm
  30. Travelling Salesman and Genetic Algorithm Problem Using ATL COM and C#
  31. Channel Rate Allocation for Scalable Video Streaming Using Genetic Algorithm over Error-Prone Networks Based on GOP
  32. High Speed Face Recognition Based on RBF Neural Networks and Discrete Cosine Transform

Computer Science Project Ideas

                                              CSE Project Ideas
CSE Project Ideas
  1. Storage Systems Based HBA Distributed Meta Data Management for large Cluster
  2. Image Analysis and Compression with PSNR and MSE Technique
  3. Implementation of Threshold Cryptography for MANET Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography
  4. Image Processing for Resizing and Bilinear Filters
  5. Architecture of Distributed Database in Next Generation Mobile Networks for Global Roaming
  6. Recognition of Dynamic Pattern and Character Using Neural Networks
  7. Customer Relationship Management Based on Distributed Component Router
  8. Supply Chain Management System Based on Distributed Component Router
  9. Dynamic Logistics Management and Support Systems
  10. Multithreaded Socket Based Email Server
  11. Design and implementation of Mobile Banking
  12. JMX Based Managing and Monitoring the Clusters
  13. Implementation of Multi Router Traffic Monitoring
  14. Real Time Transmission Protocol Based Broadcasting of Multicast Video
  15. Multicast Routing For Collaborative Applications with Delay Variation Constrains On Overlay Networks
  16. Near-Optimal Multicast Scheme Using a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Hoc and Mobile Networks
  17. SNMP Based Network Monitoring and Analyzer Tool
  18. Network Border Patrol for Promoting Fairness in the Internet and Preventing Congestion Collapse
  19. Recognition of Digits Back Propagation and Handwritten Based on Neural Network
  20. Novel Framework for Personalized Retrieval and Semantic Annotation of Sports Video
  21. Query Workload Based Online Index Recommendations of High Dimensional Data Bases
  22. Image Retrieval Imaging Based on Content, Adaptive and Personal
  23. Software and Algorithms for problems in Radiation Therapy and Radio Surgery and Medical Applications
  24. Bluetooth and J3ME Enabled Full Duplex Automation Based on Mobile
  25. Development of an Application for Weekly Automatic College Timetable
  26. Using Pythagoras and Trigonometry to Watermark an Image
  27. By Using Steganography Compression and Decompression of Wavelet
  28. Coded Structured Light Based Real Time 3-D Data Processing
  29. A Distributed Learning System with Desktop recording, VoIP, Desktop Sharing and Session Sharing.
  30. A Wireless Communication Protocol Based on Electric Bulb
  31. Musical Conversion and Recognition for Music Compression

Computer Science Projects for College Students

CSE Projects for College Students
CSE Projects for College Students
  1. Data Warehousing and Data Mining Dictionary
  2. Fuzzy Keyword Search in Cloud Computing over Encrypted Data
  3. Web Based Online Blood Donation System
  4. Web Based Graphical Password Authentication System
  5. Identification and Matching of Robust-Face Name Graph for Movie Character
  6. Controlling of Topology in Ad hoc Networks by Using Cooperative Communications
  7. An SSL Back End Forwarding Scheme of Clusters Based On Web Servers
  8. Motion Extraction Techniques Based Identifying the Level of Perception Power from Video
  9. Approximate and Efficient Processing of Query in Peer-to-Peer Networks
  10. Web Based Bus Ticket Reservation System
  11. Chinese Input with Eye Tracking and Keyboard
  12. Automated Image Enhancement Based Identification of Plaque
  13. Developing the Encryption, API, Architecture and Security of Biometric Technology
  14. Automated Transport Enquiry System in MySQL and C# Based on Voice
  15. Modeling and Detection of the Camouflaging Worm
  16. Increased Development Process Quality Based Testing of Automotive Real Time
  17. SQL Based Employee Management System in ASP and C# .NET
  18. Management System of Pharmacy in MySQL and PHP
  19. Graph Analysis and Generation for Detecting the Source Code Plagiarism Based on Program
  20. Implicit Approach Based Animating and Buildup of Wind Driven Snow
  21. Bullet Physics and Cinder Graphics Based Doodle Processing System
  22. Simulation and Modeling of Unknown Factors in Acquisition
  23. Image Processing Segmentation Based Verification of Secured Fingerprint Using Computational Geometry Algorithms
  24. Mathematical Morphology Based Algorithm for Image Noise Reduction
  25. Flexible Data Dissemination Strategy in Mobile Wireless Communication Networks for Effective Cache Consistency
  26. Fingerprint Verification System Based on a Correction
  27. Automatic Removal and Estimation of Noise in From a Single Image
  28. Dynamic Time Warping and Triangular matching Based on a Fingerprint Verification System
  29. Smart Card Security and Static Analysis Perspective from a Java
  30. Internet Based Monitoring of Remote Electrocardiogram
  31. Internet Protocol Trace Back Based Detection and Modeling of Camouflaging Worm
  32. Ridges and Fusion of Minutiae Based Fingerprint Identification Using Strength Factors
All of these projects listed in the above list are the latest computer science project topics for engineering students that are widely implemented by the professionals.We believe that by giving this information, we have been successful to afford you the best list from the lot, and therefore anticipate your suggestions, comments, and queries on this particular article.


Thursday, 25 June 2015

Cloud Computing Overview

What is cloud computing ?

Cloud computing is defined as a type of computing that relies on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications. Cloud computing is comparable to grid computing, a type of computing where unused processing cycles of all computers in a network are harnesses to solve problems too intensive for any stand-alone machine.
In cloud computing, the word cloud (also phrased as "the cloud") is used as a metaphor for "the Internet," so the phrase cloud computing means "a type of Internet-based computing," where different services such as servers, storage and applications are delivered to an organization's computers and devices through the Internet.

How Cloud Computing Works

The goal of cloud computing is to apply traditional supercomputing, or high-performance computing power, normally used by military and research facilities, to perform tens of trillions of computations per second, in consumer-oriented applications such as financial portfolios, to deliver personalized information, to provide data storage or to power large, immersive online computer games.
To do this, cloud computing uses networks of large groups of servers typically running low-cost consumer PC technology with specialized connections to spread data-processing chores across them. This shared IT infrastructure contains large pools of systems that are linked together. Often, virtualization techniques are used to maximize the power of cloud computing.
Cloud Computing Key Terms to Know

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Simple and Useful Internet Tricks

Top Ten Simple and Useful Internet Tricks That You May Not Know

Internet Hack : Top 10 Simple and useful Internet tricks for you

There are some simple keyboard shortcuts which one can use while using Internet and it would help the user to avoid typing a lot and also at certain places the mouse can be completely avoided by these tricks.
  • Entering a new website:  Normally users would have to type http:// or www before they want to enter a new website however now just type the name of the website and press <Ctrl><Enter>. By default this will add “http://www.” in front and “.com” towards the end of the website. Users can also just type out the name of the website for eg: “” and press <Enter> this will automatically give “”. Now if the website has “.org” then user would need to use <Ctrl ><Shift><Enter> keys and for websites with “.net” they need to use <Shift><Enter> keys to get the full website name.
  • Online applications clues:
    • Toggling between Multiple columns: Suppose user is filling the online forms then using <Shift><Tab> helps user move to previous column / field while just using <Tab> takes user to the next column / field. Thus user can avoid using mouse in this case to move from one column or field to another.
    • Choosing from multiple options: Most of the times while filling the information online, the form displays huge data from which user needs to choose the right information. For example: Most of the times the data would require user to fill the details of the country that they belong to and this is a vast data, now user can just type out the initial alphabet of their country and then the search would be restricted to the list of names starting with the alphabet that they typed. This procedure is very useful when someone has to choose from vast data and is applicable to similar situations.
  • Using Tabs for smooth browsing: Here again we will discuss certain shortcut keys with the help of which users can surf the internet browser in much better way.
    • Suppose user needs to open a new Tab then use <Ctrl><T>.
    • For closing any open Tab press <Ctrl><W>.
    • For moving from one Tab to another <Ctrl><Page Up> or <Ctrl><Page Down>.
    • Suppose user has closed some tab and now wants to reopen it then just press <Ctrl><Shift><T> user can open the last window that was closed.
    • Press “F11″ key to get full screen view of the Internet browser. Re press F11 key to  resume the normal view.
    • Suppose users need to find something in a web page then they can open a find tool by clicking <Ctrl><F> and thus carry on with their search.
    • Hold the <Ctrl> and press “+” or “-” this will increase or decrease the size of the text respectively.
    • Hold the <Ctrl> and press “O” the size of the text gets reset.
  • Opening link in a new tab: This can be done by using the mouse. Just right click the mouse and from the drop down choose the option “open link in new tab”. Another option is press the <Ctrl> key and click the link this will lead to opening of the link in a new tab. There is one more alternative wherein press the <Ctrl> key and press the wheel of the mouse keeping the cursor on the link.
  • Improvised Search: Most of the times when user is searching for something and uses two or more words then the search engine gives a mixture of result because it considers the two words individually for its search. For eg: In case of :School help, the search will consider ‘School’ and ‘help’ as two words and give results accordingly, instead if user types “School help” in quotes then this helps the search engine to search the correct information. So by using quotes user can improvise their searches.
  • Highlight the address bar: Suppose user needs the access bar then just press <Alt><D>, without using the mouse one can access the address bar. One can also make use of “F6″ key for the same purpose.
  • Bookmark: Most of the times we come across some good information and this information can be saved by using the bookmark option which can be done by using the mouse.  Now users can use the shortcut keys to avoid using mouse. Just press <Ctrl><D> and then <Enter> your page has been bookmarked for you! Further, to open the Internet bookmarked page press <Ctrl><B>. 
  • Reloading and refreshing of a page: Sometimes due to the cache issue the webpage does not come up and then users can reload the page using <Ctrl><Shift><R>. Users can also refresh a web page by pressing “F5″ key.
  • Pause the video: While viewing the YouTube videos the easiest way to pause it by clicking the “K” key and to resume the video users would just need to press the same key (“K”)again.
  • Try alternative browsers: Usually the computers use the default browsers which comes with it when it is bought. For example: Microsoft has the Internet Explorer. However, users can even change their browser to Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox which can be downloaded for free of cost. The benefit of getting these browsers is to get the different add-ons and plug-ins which are available in these browsers which give additional features that can further improvise the browsing experience like users can change the color and also add more features to some particular window in their browser. User can get the Firefox addons and get the color changes done as per their wish.
These are few Top 10 simple tips and tricks, our readers might be using some other shortcuts for working faster. Feel feel to leave other shortcuts which you feel is much better in the comments section.


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